Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jodi Thinks "Stupid is as Stupid Does"

I have been thinking a lot lately of how I want to leave my impression with people, I just want to be nice and if they think I am funny too, my job here is done!

Nice is so subjective but I do try to be nice. I try to be pleasant with salespeople. I try to be patient. I try to be friendly with others. I try to be the person my dog thinks I am! I find it very difficult to be nice to stupidity. I know all about how people get 'stupid' sometime because it happens to me. I mean they see something and look at it from the other guys point of view and they still see it like an idiot! Really? What's that about?

I have run into a lot of stupid situations in my life. Really when it boils down to reality, if I can explain why this is stupid, give my reasoning and justify it, don't you think individuals can see that and perhaps re-adjust things? They don't. For whatever reason, they work for a company that gives them no power, they are too young to understand that things are messed up or they just don't see it like me. I won't open that can of worms!

We should all have a common thread but it seems like we don't have a shred of decency to base this on anymore. For instance, we had our tv/DVR and telephone turned off yesterday. Not because we didn't pay the bill but because they made a mistake and charged us for an item we returned last year in November. Not only did they charge us for that item, there were fees and interest. Long story short, we had the slip and all the stuff was back on. It was their error. Don't you think that they should offer a months free service for this inconvenience? You get nothing unless you ask for it in this world. My husband spoke to 4 people to get our free month. 3 people gave him a discount but the one person said she was only authorized to give a certain dollar amount that was lower than the dollar amount the last persons dollar amount offered! How lame is that? When all was said and done, he complained for 45 minutes and got our service free for a month. In these economic times, they made the error and that interest comment really pushed me over the edge. He shouldn't have to argue to get a months service for free when they made the error! Come on, we pay these people more than my car payment each month. You made a big mistake, don't be stupid!

Today instead of getting more customer service, we get less. Instead of individuals asking what they can do for you, we have people asking what we can get. We aren't nice to people anymore, people deserve respect. Treat others how you wish to be treated. Is it so tough? I really don't think so. It's taking the time and making the effort to do the right thing. Find out what people need and work it out so everyone is happy. Think about if your anger is going to matter in a day, week or month? I am at the age that no one can really do anything to me that hasn't been done or tried to be done. I really don't get angry at things anymore. Sometimes just do excess if you can. The phrase 'random acts of kindness' has turned into 'pay it forward.' Whatever you call it, just do it. Make this world a better place. Let's try to wipe out stupid.

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