Monday, March 7, 2011

Boys Have Jodi

It's a no brainer, don't have unprotected sex.
Yeah, you could get pregnant, or get an STD or get HPV.
Human Pap Virus, we've all heard of it on tv. I had it, it was scary.
No matter how clean you try to scrub yourself in the shower, it won't wash away. I felt dirty but I shouldn't have, it wasn't talked about, no one said so many girls get it.
Lisa has the numbers, it it very common and now there is a vaccine for it. I say, better safe than sorry! I know some people say "Ugh!" to vaccines but we have them for a reason. If you can protect yourself or someone you love, go for it.
It was less than 15 years ago that I had HPV, it's not a long time ago, but advancements have come a long way. No one should suffer or think they are bad if they get this.
I say, "boys have cooties" but it's really boys have sex with a girl and don't know the girl got the cooties from a boy and gave it to that right? Something like that.
Bottom line is, my dear friend held my hand through it all. I watched movies all weekend and that same weekend another dear friend had a sex toy party, yeah, I didn't go to it and everyone wondered why? Not because I frequent sex toy parties but I just didn't like boys too much! Who could blame me? Things happen in this world, this is one of those things that happened to me. It does not have to happen to you, get the vaccine.
But, boys do have cooties!

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