Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happiness is a Warm Jodi

I could tell you the story of the 3 little pigs or the 3 bears but I live with 3 doggies.
The eldest is a boy named, Wrigley, who is 6 years old. He's a mostly black, white underneath, shihtzu. He is a mama's dog, never more than 5 feet away from me. He likes his tummy rubbed and he is a very good dog.
We have another 5 year old shihtzu, our little girl, Sidney. She is black and white spotted and we sometimes call her Spotty Dotty. Sidney is Daddy's dog and she loves to stick out her little pink tongue to show her happiness.
Last but not least, there is a little brown, black and white shihtzu, he's a puppy we have named, Boone. He's almost 6 months old and he is adorable. He has an underbite, he always looks like he is smiling.
These dogs have gotten me to where I am, I love them for that and a whole lot more! I miss them terribly when I am away from them. What inspired this tale, was because I had a tough week and I woke up with each dog sleeping next to me in the bed, each one was so warm and cuddly! I pet them and loved on them. It reminded me of when my son, Travis, was a baby, yes, I am comparing my son and my dogs. When my son was born 17 years ago, my ex-husband and I had a shihtzu named, Chu Chu, (RIP) and we called him 'brother'. Travis is an only child and Chu Chu was like a brother to him. Now, Travis realizes that the dogs aren't his siblings but I can't say that I have! They are all my children.
Dan, my husband now, always grew up with big, outside dogs. He adores these dogs, why do you think we have 3?! They climb on him and adore being touched. They are wonderful pets. They have human hair so they are hypo-allergenic animals. The fur mattes on them instead of shedding. They go to the groomer once a month, we have them bathed and trimmed. Wrigley considers it a spa experience, he adores going to be rubbed. Sidney tolerates it but likes to be clean and pretty, the jury is still out on Boone. They appreciate treats, actually, any and all food means a lot to them. I have always wanted them to be on a team where they go around to visit people in the hospital, but haven't done it because I don't think they can pass the food test and just walk by it. I really think Boone might do it, he needs to be 1 though. We'll see? They adore people and play with children and would really like people petting them! I know they would be good at it.
Shihtzu's are mostly quiet dogs. Wrigley seldom barks, we used to think Sidney was noisy but Boone wins the most talkative prize. I tell him there is no reason to bark if the big dogs are being silent, he hasn't gotten it yet. Boone and Wrigley play with each other and Wrigley will make growling sounds while Sidney barks at them from under the bed or next to me, sometimes she will get on me and 'yell' at them. It can be funny, also very chaotic from time to time.
Wrigley, Sidney and Boone are warm puppies and they bring much happiness to our home. They are loved and happiness is a warm puppy.

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