Saturday, January 7, 2012

Where the Rubber Meets the Road, or Following Through on an Lisa

So 2102 is a week old now, and those of us who have made intentions (or resolutions) are now asking ourselves “What the heck have I signed myself up for?” I’m chuckling, because I’ve been through this a few times in my 47 years. What was my intention again? Oh yeah, it was to think about my legacy. I’m thinking about it, still need to dig the book that has a chapter on legacies out of a box (didn’t unpack all of my books, figuring I’m on the move again sometime in the next couple years). I had an inspiration today, and I’m looking into whether Puddy Tat would make a good therapy cat. Okay, go ahead and laugh, but yes, cats can be therapy animals. She is used to the dog, she loves to sleep on people’s laps, and she isn’t afraid of anything. And she’s small, only about 6 pounds, so not too heavy for a fragile person’s lap. If I can just get her to come down from the top of the bookcase, we’ll be in business…
On another note, I have a new intention of sorts that is coincidentally happening at the new year. When I saw my sister over the holidays, I was inspired by her diligence in doing the P90X workout series. Being much more of a wimp than my sister, I am now one week into the 10 minute trainer workouts from the same guy, Tony Horton ( It’s already helping me feel less achey than I normally do on a daily basis, after I got over the initial soreness. It kicks your butt, but only for 10-15 minutes a day. I like that it’s an organized program, I don’t have to think about what to do on any given day, just follow the calendar they give you and press play on the DVD. It came with the resistance band so I don’t need any other equipment. And there’s enough room in my living room to do it. If you want to work out for more than 10 minutes, you can stack workouts such as cardio, yoga, total body, and do more than 1 per day. I’m still on one per day J.  And I have cut back on how much I’m eating, and you know what? I feel fine. I’m not starving, don’t feel deprived. The biggest change is I’ve stopped snacking after dinner. Adios, muffin top.
Anyway, what’s the key to sticking with a program, be it an intention, a resolution, whatever? Part of it is being ready to do it. I think it helps if you can try your best and not beat yourself up (which discourages you from picking it up again) if you fall off the wagon for a while. At this point in life I realize that many things are temporary, and there is always something new to try. It’s fine to do one thing for a while, and then find something else. I think exercise, expecially for us non-athletes, is about trying different things until you find the one that works for you. I’ve always done well with aerobics, I love to walk, and I hate running and working out at a gym. So exercising at home, for 10-15 minutes a day in addition to walking, is perfect. It’s like any other health habit, you have to find what works for you, and not everything is going to be a perfect fit. Don’t give up! Find a buddy, that helps too. I’ve always enjoyed walking with a buddy, it improves my body and my spirit. Have a healthy 2012!

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