Saturday, January 14, 2012

Repinned! Jodi

Yes, I have a new addiction. It is called, Pinterest. I am in good company with it, I have a bunch of people to follow and who like to follow me. It beats reading magazines for ideas anymore. I don't tear out recipes, ideas, clothes or places to shop anymore. I just pin them. No more magazine clutter! 

I saw on my Facebook that some people had lovely pictures and ideas, I clicked on one and it peaked my interest, it was Pinterest. I started browsing and there were lots of cool ideas. I am going through major changes right now and I can use Pinterest to find out about my likes and dislikes. I sent for an invitation and I was addicted! 

I like the ALL category best because I see a little bit of everything. You choose the areas you want boards in and then you assign the photos and their information to those areas. I have recipes, inspiration to lose weight, fun, style, etc. I have found so many things on Pinterest, I adore it. I mark all sorts of things, from rooms I like, to places I think are beautiful and to how to make a rug! I have cute Valentine ideas and have gotten fabulous ideas for Fun Friday class. I pinned a photo of Beth Moore, she is a dynamo to me. I pinned Bible verses that mean something to my heart, I pinned pictures of convertibles because I adore them. I can cook until the cows come home! Did someone say, "boots?" Oh yes, I found me lots of boots, books, baubles and hair dos galore! I know I am a girl because of various reasons but I am totally loving the endless world of Pinterest!

I really need to begin to invest in a new wardrobe. Pinterest helps me figure out what I like. There are outfit ideas posted with accessories, shoes, purses and jeans. I am in heaven looking at them. There are animal photos, from Rottweiler puppies to a sign with a Weiner dog that says, "It's a good thing you are home, someone pooped in the house." Which is so my story! I can make champagne with popscicles in the glasses for desserts, I can choose funky outdoor fireplaces or hammocks to lay under with twinkling lights above them. I can choose a photo at the beach or in Paris or Greece. They give me motivational words to lose weight, to being a mom, I think I need to go back and pin the thing that says, "My sister has never been the same since that house fell on her." Get it? The HOUSE, The Wizard of Oz!? Yeah, well, I thought it was funny and cute. I know someone else on Pinterest did!

On Pinterest, I can plan the perfect party, bake the perfect cake or make the perfect shows me I can be PERFECT. I know nothing is perfect and Pinterest is giving that illusion it can exist. You know, sometimes perfection does exist, it's all where your head is. For me, I can escape for a bit and let my mind wander. After all, wouldn't it be nice to drive your convertible down the beach, wearing bedazzled jeans with an old tshirt and wearing sh@t kicking boots and listening to Cyndi Lauper on the IPod? Maybe I can make that into a reality? With Pinterest, I know I CAN! ;)

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