Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ya' Gotta Have Friends... by Jodi

I want to write about my very dear friend, Wahooman, fondly known as Lisa. Have I told you how wonderful I think she is? She is a super duper friend and human being!
I met Lisa when I was a sophomore in high school. She lived across the street from me and we rode the same school bus. Lisa is so smart, because of that, we only had Spanish together throughout high school. We sure had a fun time in that class being in the '6th grade club' (inside joke). We had lunch together and we were in the sophomore play together. After my first marriage, we had a gap in our friendship and only spoke every few years. Then one day we started being close friends again. We used to joke about 'when we would be old ladies' and now we are certainly on our way!
One of our 'worst' moments of friendship, we were mean girls. We had waited in the lunch line at school and sat down to eat lunch together. There was this odd girl who we fondly called, "Griz". Still to this very day Lisa calls her sister, "Griz." She wasn't the one who sat down at our table to eat lunch that day though. We were in disbelief, right there "Griz" sat down with us! I started to giggle and Lisa started to giggle, this was totally out of character for a girl like this girl. This was a large girl who we believed bordered on being mentally challenged and she was sitting with us! We couldn't hold back our laughter and actually got up and left the table! Last time Lisa came out, we spoke about the hilarity of it and we couldn't fathom how mean it was of us to leave the table, holding in our comments and chuckles. It really was a horrible thing to do, this girl showed the bravery of sitting down with us and we reacted horribly to it. We agreed it was not our shining moment and really out of character for us to be so mean. But, we were just young girls and had no clue we were being so awful. Today, we might discuss how bizarre her behavior was at a later date, but we would welcome anyone to sit with us and break bread. A case of when we sure learned our lesson!
Lisa has given me great advice. She has a lot of insight about things. We chat about parents, being one and having them. We eat together and cook together. I remember making 'Zucchini Frittata' and I still make it to this day. I remember finding the recipe in "Seventeen" magazine, I still have the original copy of it. We were together when Lady Diana married Prince Charles, I remember Lisa's haircut was like Di's. I remember the day she told me she got it her hair cut like the Princess. We were together again for the day the royal couple tied the knot this year. We chatted about it and I reminded her of that haircut she got so many moons ago.
Lisa has been so good to me. She sends me surprises through the mail and comes out to visit me. I wish we lived closer. She makes me feel good. She chats with me daily, we e-mail, text and chat on the phone. We play 'Words With Friends' together (even though I am on hiatus) and we write this blog together! Lisa is such a gifted writer and I enjoy her perspective on things. We spoke together about blogs and she has inspired me to write again. She has inspired me to do many things and I am eternally grateful for her. She guides me through this maddening thing called life, I don't know what I would do without her friendship. I hope I never find out again! Thanks Wahooman, I love you.

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