What are my vices? Chocolate, without a doubt. Sweets, from cake to pie. Sex, I really like! Lip balm, no doubt about it. My ipad as well but because I use it for notes and stuff. I would have said pad and paper at one time. Food is good too. Can you tell eating might be an issue?
In the past, what have been your vices? Mochas from Starbucks, with whip, please. I also went through a chai tea stage, from any coffeehouse, morning, noon or night. Was addicted to diet soda. Went through a diet Mug root beer stage, moved to a diet, caffiene-free Pepsi addiction which turned into diet 7Up addiction. Gave up the fancy hot drinks during Lent this year, even though I had a mocha the first day I could, I haven't had one since. Tried giving up soda, cut it way back to one or two a day. I will give that up sometime in the near future. I have started drinking tap water with lots of ice. Those are my recent vices. Past vices? Wine, sangria, margaritas, basically, any mixed fruity drink. I never became an alcoholic but I easily could have. It runs in my family, I enjoy the taste of booze. I was drinking a lot in my early 20's and heard on the radio that many people turn into alcoholics because they don't get hangovers. I never got a hangover, I cut back on my drinking and avoided that problem. Last drink I had was a shot of Ouzo with Dan, that was pretty darn good, but enough. Last drink before that, I had vodka and lemonade that went right to my head, that was over two years ago. Went through a cloves stage. I love the smell of burning cloves, it can make me feel lightheaded. It stopped like it started, never turned into a habit. Many people in my life have vices I could make my own. Gambling is a big one. I like to play BIG but I can't afford to lose so I stay away from it. I could play the horses really easily but stay away from there too. I used to be addicted to working out, that lasted about 3 years. I was addicted to the spa, that lasted about 5 years. I have been guilty of some OCD things in the past but they went in a hurry. I was addicted to the "fat chick room" on AOL but I met Dan, he took care of that one!
I am addicted to food. That could be why I have always battled my weight? I love chocolate, just having it daily makes me smile. I used to be addicted to ice cream, had to have it daily, now I just enjoy it now and again, the sweetness is too much. I like french fries and pizza, my downfalls. I need to have them each at least once, if not two or three times a week. I like the richness in desserts, I usually share though. I have given up a lot of that stuff in my day, it isn't that tough for me to avoid. Food, in general, works for me. From grilled steaks, to breakfast to enchiladas, I can be in the mood for food. I love veggies and I could have a thing for fresh bread and butter. I like butter, not like I used to, but I still enjoy butter. I have a wide and varied food thing happening. Might have to do with boredom and entertainment? I will consult my therapist. Trust me when I say, I like sex. Totally was addicted to it, enjoy it now as well but I am not addicted to it. Though, I could be again? Ultimately, I really need my lip balm! I use it like 5 times an hour. I am addicted to having moist lips. I have a tube everywhere I go, in my purse, next to the bed, by the tv, next to the computer. I buy it from Trader Joe's in the 3 pack. If I was on a deserted island, what 5 things would I need? Water, my Bible, my working iPad, Dan and my lip balm! Not in any specific order, mind you. What if I could only have one thing? Argh! Counting on..."If you try sometime, you just mind find, you get what you need."