I could start a list of all 3 of those things at any time...
Things I coulda done...been a college graduate, backpacked in Europe or taken that job instead of staying home. Why didn't I? I thought traveling around America was more fun! I was right. I have tried to go back to school a few times, always got straight A's but always thought it was so dull to me. Will prolly always have mixed feelings about that. I put my bets on someone else more than I put them on myself...mistake! I like to romanticize the job factor but the reality is it just sounds like it would have been smart, I wouldn't change spending time with my son in a million years. I would like to give back some the those hours I spent cleaning the bathroom!
Things I woulda done...stayed in Chicagoland, cooked at home more often and stayed being a radio geek. I woulda stayed in Chicago. I adore that city, the food, the museums, the shopping. Think of all the excitement I would have missed? I woulda cooked at home and bonded over brunches and bbq's. I used to cook at home and feed people dinner or baked cookies for them a million times. It lost the allure for me. I realized I could spend my time doing other things. I was a really good cook at one time, now I just don't have the interest that I once did. Maybe it will return one day? I would have kept my career in the radio world but I liked having a family more. It's not like I couldn't have one or the other but I chose to invest in the other one. I have lived a full life and accomplished many things I would have not experienced if I would have chosen other path. Will I think about that one? You bet I will.
I shoulda trusted my intuition, dieted and exercised more and gone zip lining! I shoulda trusted my small, still voice instead of my head or heart. I am smarter than I give myself credit for. I followed things other people expected me to do. I don't do that much anymore and really don't regret it. I shoulda dieted and exercised more by just simply doing so. I don't know about dieting really and I did like working out. I have always been a larger than normal adult. It hasn't really hindered my life but is has hindered my health. I tell people I adore food, my extra weight was rich, real cream ice cream and steaks not Burger King meals. Would I change any of it? Nope, don't think so. Maybe some subtle nuances but that is about it. Just reiterates the fact that, "everything happens for a reason." I should go zip lining! It is something I have never done but is something I will do before I go out of this world! I think it looks like fun and I just want to do it! I will, dammit!
I am sure there are many things I woulda, coulda or shoulda done but this is me now and I am very glad to be ME...the good, the bad and the ugly.
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