Sunday, August 28, 2011

Menopause, a Musical? Lisa

Menopause, a musical?

It seems that this summer I’ve gained a few pounds, in spite of the fact that I exercise regularly. My diet is pretty healthy too—I am the person who looks and junk food and says “That shit will kill you.” I even gave my cinnamon pop tarts away recently. When I saw my mom last weekend, and complained about the new poofier appearance of my belly, she said, “it’s your menopause,” as if anyone would know that. Let me tell you, Denial is not just a river in Egypt. I have gotten very good at being in denial. So I got a book on my Kindle called Menopause Sucks, and I cried while reading it. Hey, at least I can laugh now (that was just last weekend).  There is even a Menopause for Dummies book. I am 47 and certainly am encountering symptoms of The Change. I haven’t had a bona fide hot flash yet, but I have only a sheet on my bed, no blankets or bedspreads, and I wear sleeveless tops to work every day. I only wear a sweater at the movie theater or a really chilly restaurant. This is the first year I have used a fan at my desk at work. And I was one of those women who was always too cold—those days are long gone. I only cry when I’m very angry or sad, but now that I’m on hiatus from the man in my life, I expect to cry less, and I’m happy about that. One of my menopause management strategies is to not keep oyster crackers in the house, or any cracker like that, because if they are here, I will eat them in mass quantities. I’ve always loved carbs. I used to say that I would name my baby “Tater” because of my love of potatoes. I’m pleased to report that her name is Kate. So I keep exercising and I try to watch what I eat.
The average age of menopause is 51. Menopause is defined as not having had a period for 12 months. Women who smoke can expect to complete menopause 2-3 years earlier (hey, there’s an idea). We all know there’s been a lot of press about hormone replacement therapy and whether it causes cancer. For me, I know that if I get to the point where the hot flashes or joint pain or other symptoms are too disruptive to my life, I will probably take it for a while. Shocking, right, since I hate to take drugs? Those of you who know me well are probably laughing and shaking your heads. I’m trying to do better about taking medicine when I need it. We all have our hang-ups, you know?

Menopause? Jodi

As much as I hate to admit it, I think menopause is alive and well in my life. I haven't really found out much about it. I am from the school that I will find out about it when I need to. I know symptoms can last up to 6 years, that scares me. I know I will lose interest in sex, I will gain weight and my periods will be sort of weird. Along with a host of other symptoms, I am sure. I take Wellbutrin and it is supposed to be a drug used to treat the symptoms of menopause. I recently had a medical procedure done and went off my Wellbutrin for a few days, it does help me with symptoms from my stroke so I am not going off it anytime soon. I don't know if it helps me with symptoms of menopause because it is also supposed to be used as an aid to losing weight and it never helped me with that!
What can I really say about my experience with menopause? I have a birthday next week so I will be a 47 year old woman. Many women my age are in full swing with menopause symptoms. Right now, I do get very hot sometimes, hot flashes seem to come at the most inopportune moments. I am more chilly than warm. I keep a blankie by me and I keep gloves in my purse because sometimes my right hand is just freezing. I also believe those are symptoms from my stroke. My feet get very cold so I always try to have slippers or socks on my feet. I think I have more side effects from my stroke than menopause at this point.
I tend to get moody but I don't think I am anymore moody then I usually am. My stroke left me with lots of feelings of moodiness. I know the Wellbutrin helps me with that. I laugh or cry at dumb things where I shouldn't be so emotional. It kind of ticks me off sometime because I so don't think it warrants crying but I do. I especially get angry at myself when I am trying to get my point across and tears come. I am more emotional and all weepy and I so don't intend to be but it happens. Is it menopause or is it my stroke? It really doesn't matter, it is not what it used to be!
I am more forgetful lately, again, I thought it was due to my stroke but it could also be a tinge of menopause. I had a stroke which effected my left side of the base of my brain. It is a brain injury so I know that I have had to take time to heal. I also know that forgetfulness and memory problems are a symptom of menopause as well. Again, I really don't know which it is but it is another thing that isn't what it used to be.
Basically, I will be a woman closer to being 50 than not. I have had a lot of different things happen in my life. I am a woman, a daughter, a wife, a mother and a host of other things. I am where I am supposed to be in my life, I haven't always been thrilled of the choices God has made for me but I see reasons behind things happening to me. I wouldn't change a thing, everything has created the me I was meant to be. I am in love with my husband and my son, my dogs, my family and I have wonderful friends. My life has challenges and whether they are due to my stroke or the beginning signs of menopause, I can embrace the differences and keep on moving toward the future. I like my life again, I am starting to like myself again and I am excited about the future. "Sock it to me, menopause!"

Friday, August 19, 2011

Car Shopping Part Lisa

Jo and I have been on hiatus. It’s been a busy summer, as we knew it would be, and time flies like the roll of toilet paper.
So, it’s time to shop for a car. Cue dreary music. There’s so much trepidation in this type of shopping, I think because of the cost of the item, and worse, the negative feelings toward car salesmen. And of course, the fear, or is it certainty, that one will pay more than a fair price when the deal is done. I think I’ve captured it!
So I went to CarMax a few Saturdays ago, because I’m not too keen on any kind of shopping, and I thought it would be most efficient to go to where I could drive a number of different cars in one stop. The salesman was a very nice young man, and I drove the Nissan Murano, the Toyota Rav4, and the Honda CRV. I wanted to drive the Ford Escape, and there was one on the lot, but by the time we got to it, it was sold. I liked all 3 cars, although two had black interiors, and I definitely don’t want that. And all 3 were a little above the price I was hoping for—and CarMax doesn’t negotiate.
Fast forward to last weekend. First I went to Lexus, and really liked a used Acura RDX I drove there. Zoom zoom zoom went the turbo—the car was really quick and fun to drive, but alas, it had 94,000 miles on it and for the price, I don’t think so. Then I went to the local Ford dealership and drove the Escape. I really like the outside but I didn’t like the inside, which is where I spend at least an hour a day, most days more. Did I mention that I’m ruined by years of driving a luxury car? When I drove my current car off the lot in 2004, I knew instantly that the next car would be a difficult choice—is there any going back?
So last Friday, I went to Toyota, since I decided I really don’t care for the look of the CRV. Notice the theme here—too bad looks are so important. Can I blame that on our culture? I really like the Rav4. Strange deal though—only the top model comes with factory leather, otherwise they send the car out for an aftermarket job (which is lifetime guaranteed and really nice). This particular small SUV is similar to what I currently have and I think I will be very happy with it. I’m hesitant to go back to a sedan since the accident last winter, when I was hit hard on the driver’s door by a larger SUV. No injuries but my car needed a new driver’s side to the tune of $5200.
Next task is to ask for quotes from the local dealerships, in hopes of getting a really good deal. Stay tuned for the rest of the story…

Vroom Jodi

Lisa is looking to buy a car because her daughter is going to start driving soon, I am thinking about buying a new car because my intention is to give mine to my son when he graduates from high school next year. Lisa is going to buy something totally different than I am because she is a different person in a whole different place than me! 
I have been wanting a convertible. I have a thing for convertibles. I try to always rent one when I rent a car, they make driving more fun, it's like a vacation for me. I drive around in it and people smile and chat with you. Men flirt at the gas station and on the road too. When you drive a convertible, it puts you in a carefree state of mind. In California, we get to really use the car with the top down. Most days and evenings warrant going topless.
I have just been thinking about cars but haven't gone to look or drive any of them. I do admire convertibles as I drive past them. I also see people driving with their tops up on our beautiful, sun shined days and wonder what is wrong with them? I adore the free wheeling feeling I get from them, the fresh air, just wrapping my arms around having a great time. It doesn't take much to please me, does it? Before I buy, I need to convince my Dan this is the way for us to go. He is very set in his ways and kind of stodgy when compared to me. I think we need a car that says, "fun for the weekend!" I, of course, want to have fun driving no matter what, but that's just me! I have always said I wanted a convertible, so this is nothing new to him. I know the dangers and I want one anyway, it's just how I am. I don't know if I would buy a used one or new one. I like new because everything is new and it's mine to do with as I wish. Used would be fine, I like the price, I  don't mind used because I really wouldn't plan to take my car out of the state really. We usually take Dan's car on big road trips. I am open to check it all out and find the best thing to serve us.
So, I like a few cars, they stopped making my dream car which would have been a Toyota Solara convertible. I think those were beautiful automobiles. I would be lucky to find a good deal. I like Mini-Coopers and the Volkswagen Bug, there is a new Bug on the street but I really like the old ones too. I would love a Mustang convertible but it might be too much car for me and I could wind up with a lot of speeding tickets. That wouldn't be good since I seem to swing one every year and I have a Toyota Corolla at this point. I managed to get a ticket in it in the desert going 96mph in that so I just don't know about that Mustang? Although, I did have a bright, red, beautiful convertible for almost 3 weeks and stayed out of the way of the police. I used to adore Sebring convertibles but not so much anymore. There are lots of Mercedes convertibles out there, I could buy a used one but I am just not a Mercedes girl. It seems pretentious, even though it is a good car. Don't think I can even entertain the price of an Audi convertible so I won't. I have considered a Smart Car but I fear I could be smarter than my car? I would totally get off on having an old El Dorado Cadillac convertible or an old Buick, Pontiac or Oldsmobile but I fear the upkeep on it would be too much to keep up with. There are so many choices and I haven't even mentioned them. When the time comes, I will sit down with Dan and we will figure out the best thing at the time. I always tell Dan when things cost more money than we have, this might be the last one I buy, honey! He looks at me like I am crazy but I think it rings a bell with him. I have not really driven a car for more than 5 years, I intend to drive my next car for at least 10 years. Bottom line, it is just a mode of transportation. But, I want a convertible. Vroom, vroom!