Menopause, a musical?
It seems that this summer I’ve gained a few pounds, in spite of the fact that I exercise regularly. My diet is pretty healthy too—I am the person who looks and junk food and says “That shit will kill you.” I even gave my cinnamon pop tarts away recently. When I saw my mom last weekend, and complained about the new poofier appearance of my belly, she said, “it’s your menopause,” as if anyone would know that. Let me tell you, Denial is not just a river in Egypt. I have gotten very good at being in denial. So I got a book on my Kindle called Menopause Sucks, and I cried while reading it. Hey, at least I can laugh now (that was just last weekend). There is even a Menopause for Dummies book. I am 47 and certainly am encountering symptoms of The Change. I haven’t had a bona fide hot flash yet, but I have only a sheet on my bed, no blankets or bedspreads, and I wear sleeveless tops to work every day. I only wear a sweater at the movie theater or a really chilly restaurant. This is the first year I have used a fan at my desk at work. And I was one of those women who was always too cold—those days are long gone. I only cry when I’m very angry or sad, but now that I’m on hiatus from the man in my life, I expect to cry less, and I’m happy about that. One of my menopause management strategies is to not keep oyster crackers in the house, or any cracker like that, because if they are here, I will eat them in mass quantities. I’ve always loved carbs. I used to say that I would name my baby “Tater” because of my love of potatoes. I’m pleased to report that her name is Kate. So I keep exercising and I try to watch what I eat.
The average age of menopause is 51. Menopause is defined as not having had a period for 12 months. Women who smoke can expect to complete menopause 2-3 years earlier (hey, there’s an idea). We all know there’s been a lot of press about hormone replacement therapy and whether it causes cancer. For me, I know that if I get to the point where the hot flashes or joint pain or other symptoms are too disruptive to my life, I will probably take it for a while. Shocking, right, since I hate to take drugs? Those of you who know me well are probably laughing and shaking your heads. I’m trying to do better about taking medicine when I need it. We all have our hang-ups, you know?